
A Sci-Fi gaming conglomeration for Conventions

USU is the “world” or “universe” that the gaming takes place within. Its Earth-based and starts in the year 2077. The Earth has went through terrible hardship over the last half-century. Nuclear war, Nuclear Winter, Pandemic, and the greatest loss of human life ever recorded.

Six “nations” still remain, but are nothing like the old nations of Earth (6-Nations)

Characters start from the “Seedling” project – Meant to “survive & thrive” and carry humanity to the stars

Characters get a Territory Deed to “stake a claim” to some Sol-Sector territory. This is similar to the 1889 Land Rush where 2 Million acres were given away. This land rush will give away 10 Million Hectares to “seedlings”.

The 6-Nations rule the inner part of the Sol-Sector through the UNCLES council.

The UNCLES council is in control of the SCMD – Stellar Command military/police force who keeps order on the inner part of Sol-Space